Users - Gabit Andakulov

Surname, name, second name Gabit Andakulov
Country Kazakhstan
City Lenger
Date of birth 17.11.1997
Sex Не задан
Social networks accounts and OpenID
No accounts associated with profile

Турниры пользователя
Name Date Status Participants Place Country, City
SHODER CUP - 2018 27.01.2018 Finished 55 40 Kazakhstan, Shymkent
APPLE CUP -2017 12.08.2017 Finished 39 29 Kazakhstan, Shymkent
SHYMKENT OPEN(vip) - 2015 01.11.2015 Finished 93 67 Kazakhstan, Shymkent
SIGMA CUP 28.03.2015 Finished 95 31 Kazakhstan, Shymkent